My research questions about
literature pedagogy are focused on best practices related to writing about and
evaluating literature. I want to understand how the subjectivity of a student would help or hinder a student from learning how to write about and
evaluate literature. As a rhetorician, I believe that the literary text can
function as a form of rhetorical intervention thus causing the reader to
re-conceptualize the world in which they live.
Over the course of the
semester, I have encountered two articles that have helped me develop my initial pedagogical questions. Joanna Wolfe’s "A Method for Teaching Invention in the
Gateway Literature Class" along with Wolfe and Laura Wilder’s "Sharing Tacit
Rhetorical Knowledge of the Literary Scholar" take a rhetorical approach to teaching literature in the college classroom. These articles focus on the act
of inventing the literary argument while making the case that teaching
special topoi within the literature discipline (and any other discipline)
will help students understand how to write within that discipline.
For instance, in "Sharing the Tacit
Rhetorical Knowledge of the Literary Scholar," Wilder and Wolfe state,
We hoped that by making special topoi conventions explicit, it would become possible to address how such conventions change over time, how one can work (and how others have worked) within some conventions to bend or break conventions, and on the whole to discuss the writing students engage in such an introductory course as participating in a larger rhetorical context. (198)
By making what is seemingly
implicit explicit, the writers of this article hope to use the conventions of research writing within the discipline as a way to teach students how to
formulate and support thesis statements about literature.
I would like to probe into issues raised in these articles to understand if teaching special topoi would
help students become more successful at writing and analyzing
literature. I also want to know if teaching special topoi could help
students evaluate literature, helping them to become more conversant on what is
literature, how good literature is defined and what "literature" makes up a
literature class. Furthermore, I wonder if knowing rhetorical conventions of literature
could empower students to understand the subjective nature of the so-called
objective selection process of canonizing literature.
Over the course of this
semester, I have been working on an assignment that utilizes Wolfe’s use of
special topoi. I plan to assess the
utilization of special topoi by surveying students about its usefulness
during the composition of the final paper. I will gather information from students enrolled in Literature 219, which is an introduction to Literary Analysis and Literature 278, which is Modern African American Literature. Both of
these courses are writing intensive courses. I plan to use the feedback from students at Delta College to design a course for a Wayne State Literature
I have taught Literature 219
at Delta College for 4 years and this is my second semester teaching Literature
278. In both courses, students have expressed the challenges involved with
formulating concrete statements about abstract ideas. Additionally, students
have a hard time suspending their subjectivity to locate a “meaning” in the text. As a result, some students rely on mere plot summary when writing about
literature or feel that they cannot locate meaning unless they are in some way
directly connected to the text or the author.
How I plan to execute this:
Over the course of the
semester, students are assigned three papers. The first paper is a biographical
essay in which I encourage students to discuss how they feel about a literary
piece; at the same time, they can discuss information they researched about the
author. The second paper is a New Critical essay in which students have to
conduct a close reading and use only evidence in the text to support their
understanding of the text. I find that students who are taught from a New
Critical approach in high school usually do not have problems with this
paper. On the other hand, students who were not taught from the
New Critical perspective or are non-traditional students have an extremely
difficult time trying to make sense of something that seems so concrete, yet so
intangible. Finally, the third paper requires students to conduct a more
involved and complex literary analysis. At this point of the semester, students
have been introduced to and practice literary
devices, schools of criticism, and conventions within a genre.
I find that contextualizing
the third paper helps, but there is still a major disconnect between what
students understand about the function of the literary analysis and my
expectations for the literary analysis. This is where I am employing the use of special topoi.
Along with the assignment sheet for the third paper, I gave my students a handout
on special topoi. We had a discussion about special topoi and then I asked
them a series of questions about the usefulness of this framework. Out of both
Literature 219 and Literature 278 only two students responded that they did not
think that special topoi would help them write their papers and that they were
more confused. The majority of the students responded that they obtained a sense
of clarity about their paper and that the special topoi would help them
construct their thesis statements.
Since I introduced the
special topoi, I have assigned a low stakes writing assignment so that I can see
how students are applying special topoi to what they are reading. I plan to
collect and assess these responses this week. When students turn in the third
paper, they will be asked some reflective questions about the usefulness of
special topoi. I plan to compare their reflective responses with their initial
responses. Finally, students will develop a reading list particular to the course. In their reading list, students will have to explain their rationale
for choosing particular books according to thematic and literary elements
discussed over the course of the semester. Here, I want to assess their
evaluative knowledge on understanding what makes literature Literature along with how this
literature has influenced contemporary culture. Here, students will be encouraged
to select texts from contemporary culture that work in conjunction with canonized
literature selections.
With this assessment
project, I plan to create a groundwork to approach my initial research
questions. At the same time, I want to see if making students aware of implicit
knowledge could not only enhance their critical thinking skills, but also empower
them to use literature beyond mere enjoyment and interpretation, to create an understanding for along with the desire to change the world in which they live. I know that this might
sound a bit naïve, but I think it is worth a try!
ReplyDeleteI really wish I was in one of your classes. The amount of detail and thought that goes into your assignments is outstanding! Please keep me updated on the outcome of your research. Perhaps during the syllabus working-day, we can sit down and discuss assignments. I would appreciate your input.